Forgive Mom and Dad Day



Today is Forgive Mom and Dad Day, and it’s an appropriate one for me, as I’ve been having some issues in this arena lately.

On the whole, I have no cause for complaint. My parents are wonderful. I had a childhood filled with kisses and laughter, with game nights and sports and music lessons and books. I couldn’t ask for better grandparents for our kids. We even bought the house next door to my parents so we could be closer to them.

It’s easy to view your parents as only that – parents. They exist only in that role. But of course that’s not true. They are individuals, and they have strengths and flaws and dreams and neuroses just like anyone else.

I started my own family early, when I was only 22. So I learned quite a while ago exactly who my parents were as individuals. (Yes, I think it helps to have your own family to understand your parents better. Not essential, but it helps.) My parents suddenly let down their guard as my own role transitioned from daughter to wife and mother. They shared insights and anxieties and struggles that I wasn’t privy to before. The bloom was off the rose.

Not to say they’re horrible people. They’re not. But they are very human. We all are.

My parents are divorcing after 42 years of marriage. They are deciding to be individuals and to focus on themselves for the first time in their adult lives. It’s not something I need to forgive them for, as they haven’t done anything wrong. They are, in essence, making a course correction. And it just sucks that it’s affecting the entire family.

So this isn’t a post about forgiveness, per se, but about understanding. I get it. I get what parents are doing and why they’re doing it. Now it’s up to me to adjust and help my kids get through it. Dwelling on who did what to whom and who’s at fault serves no purpose.

I’ve always loved my parents. Still do.

Always will.

Thursday Rewind: Better Off Dead (1985)

Thursday Rewind



Lane Meyer (played by John Cusack) is dumped by his girlfriend Beth. Depressed, he tries to kill himself in numerous ways before falling for the French exchange student staying with a neighbor.

I admit, the plot sounds disturbing, but if you’ve never seen this movie, you gotta. Thirty years old, and we still quote it often.

“I want my two dollars.”

“Buck up, little camper.”

“I’m real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.”

“Fraanch fries…and…Fraanch dressing…and…Fraanch bread.”

“It’s a Christmas miracle.”

Why don’t they make moves like this anymore?



Follow Your Dreams – Wednesday Blog Series: Who Are You?

Follow Your Dreams Series


When we set about a giant task like fulfilling our dreams, people often start with the wrong question: what makes me happy? But happiness is a mind-set and can be achieved no matter your circumstance. Poor people can be happy. Sick people can be happy. Childless people who want children can be happy.

The keys to happiness are 1) gratitude, and 2) no expectations. Read Dennis Prager’s excellent book, Happiness is a Serious Problem, if you want to change your mind-set.

Whether you’re happy or not (and I hope you are), you might still be searching for a greater purpose in life, something to fulfill and sustain you. Pursuing a dream can do that. But how do you know what dream to pursue?

The easiest way to be fulfilled is to know who you are. You need to figure out what’s important to you, what your values and priorities are. Because when we’re doing things that support those values and priorities, it brings us inner peace. Let me give an example.

If you start with the premise, “What Makes Me Happy?”, you might answer, “Chocolate cake.” Cake tastes good and makes you feel good in the moment. But every time you eat a piece of cake, maybe the momentary pleasure is replaced with guilt. You’re trying to lose ten pounds. Your doctor wants you to cut back on sugar. You feel tired all the time and know that you need to focus on your health. So that thing that made you happy…it really didn’t.

If you start with the premise, “What’s important to me?”, you might answer, “My health.” So instead of dessert every night after dinner, you take a 20-minute walk. You might hate the walk. It might make you tired. But as you’re lying in bed at night and going over the events of the day…you smile. You made yourself walk. You made your health a priority. You have inner peace.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t have cake, even if your health is a priority. We all need rewards. But once-a-month cake (rather than nightly cake) still keeps your priorities in check.

Over the years, I’ve compiled a list of personal values. You can download it HERE – PERSONAL VALUES.XLSX spreadsheet, and use it as you see fit. Here’s a screen shot:

Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 12.13.27 PM

At first glance, you might think that all of these values are important. To a certain degree, they are. But everyone is unique in their priorities and approach to life. You need to figure out what’s MOST important.

Read through the lists. Some of the words are redundant, some have subtle nuances. Some can be categorized in multiple lists. Feel free to move them around or ignore the categories entirely. The categories don’t really matter; they’re just for simplicity’s sake.

Now choose your top twenty. Whittle those twenty down to ten. Then to five. You’re going to focus on those five. And that doesn’t mean you’ll ignore the rest, but you have to start somewhere. And we’re talking about DREAMS. Dreams are pretty damn important, and should be connected to your top priorities.

Now that you’ve got your top five, you need to translate them to achievable dreams. Here’s an example:

Maybe my top five personal values are FAMILY, FITNESS, KNOWLEDGE, FREEDOM, and NATURE.

Let’s start with FAMILY. How do I make FAMILY a priority? Brainstorm a few ideas and write them down. Your list might look like this:

1. Create memories.

2. Be the kind of parent my kids will want to emulate.

3. Pass on traditions and knowledge of the past. (Nicely ties in with KNOWLEDGE value.)

Now under each item, list actionable tasks that will accomplish those goals.

1. Create memories.

a. Plan an annual family vacation.

b. Visit the grandparents 3x/year.

c. Weekly game night.

d. Create a photo slide-show for their birthdays every year.

2. Be the kind of parent my kids will want to emulate.

a. Give daily praise and affection.

b. Attend all of my kids’ baseball games (even the early-morning Saturday ones!).

c. Read and snuggle together every night before bed.

3. Pass on traditions and knowledge of the past.

a. Create a recipe book for each kid including Grandma’s recipes.

b. Bake cookies every holiday.

c. Start an annual pumpkin-carving party for the neighborhood.

d. Scan all of Grandma’s photos and give copies to each kid.

Now you’re thinking…this isn’t what I had in mind when I thought of FULFILLING MY DREAMS.

But actually…it is.

If your greatest priority is FAMILY, and for many of us, it is…don’t you have dreams about having the greatest family in the world? One where the kids come home from school, even the teenagers, give you a big hug, and tell you all about their day? One where your partner sings your praises and tells everyone at work how lucky they are to be married to you? One where you love each other, support each other, and communicate often and openly?

Let’s face it – those things don’t happen by accident. They take work and dedication. Those families are a dream for many of us. Don’t ignore these types of dreams in favor of things more grandiose. Because the daily, the familiar (like family, friendships, a support network) are crucial if we want to pursue anything more grandiose.

But let’s address the grandiose.

Maybe you always wanted to be a dancer. Or a singer. Or write a book. Or get your masters degree. Any one of those could fit into our top five personal values. Let’s go with the example of getting your masters degree.

In this case, it could fit into KNOWLEDGE (increasing your personal knowledge), FAMILY (it can open up job opportunities that would increase your family’s income), or FREEDOM (you just always wanted a masters, damn it, and you want to be free to get one; or, the extra money you make at work with the degree will give you more financial freedom).

But how do you know if pursuing your masters degree is really your dream?

1. There’s no right or wrong. There’s no wrong dream. But if you’re going in one direction and decide it’s not right for you, that’s fine. You can always change.

2. Work backwards. A masters degree is typically a means to an end – more knowledge, a better job, greater income. (Yes, some people want an advanced degree for its own sake, but that’s not what I’m talking about). So it’s easier to look at your life and priorities and think, “What is the outcome I want?” than to first think, “How do I get there?” You need to know where you’re going first. Then you can figure out the best steps to take to make it happen.

3. What do you want to be remembered for? When you’re dead and gone, what do you want your partner to think about you? What do you want your kids to tell their grandkids about you? What legacy do you want to leave?

4. What can you live with? We all have regrets – anyone who says they don’t is lying to themselves. (But we can turn those regrets into learning experiences, and we don’t have to dwell on them.) Still…live with the fewest regrets possible. Are you going to look back one year, ten years, twenty years from now and say, “I should have done that!”? Then that’s the thing you need to do.

5. Dreams take effort and time and energy. They take us away from other things. That’s why it’s so crucial to have your priorities in order. Don’t let your dream of being a rock star kill your dream of being a good parent. You might regret that.

6. Re-evaluate your list of personal values every year or so. Priorities change. Circumstances change. Be flexible.

This is just a start, a way to get you thinking about what’s important to you. Making the dream a reality is the tough part, and we’ll talk about that as this series progresses. But for now, grab a journal or open a new Word doc and just think. Brainstorm. Figure out who you are and what you want. Dream.

Love Tuesdays Blog Series: A Love Letter to My Husband




You woke up hot with fever, so achy it hurt to roll over in bed. So I kissed your brow and forced a pill down your throat and I tucked you in and went about my day.

Roused sleepy children. Reminded them to brush teeth and pack homework. Sent one off with a kiss, drove two to school, then walked our little one to class, his incessant chatter and sweet dimple keeping me company all the way.

And as I came through the door, and saw dirty breakfast plates and wet towels on the floors and bathroom lights left on, I remembered that you were sick. And that none of this would be here if you weren’t.

Our dryer’s on the fritz, and the new parts arrived, but you are too sick to fix it. So I carry a heavy load of wet laundry next door to Mom’s and put it in the dryer. Then I check on you, bring you a hot cup of coffee to clear your stuffy sinuses, rub your back. I start another load of laundry and tackle the dishes.

My mother calls, wondering if you’ve ordered the AC units for the house she’s flipping. I say no, you are sick. So I order them. She asks how much more laundry I have to do, and when will my dryer be fixed. Lots, I say, and when Mike is feeling better. She says she hopes you feel better soon, because our four loads a day are wearing her dryer out.

Packages arrive, heavy client equipment that must be calibrated. I carry them carefully out to your shop while my arms shake, ensure the voicemail is set and the doors are locked.

I bring you fresh water, plump up your pillows, realize we are out of Nyquil. I go to the store. I throw in the Tapioca pudding you love, a box of strawberry popsicles for your burning throat. I get home and dose you up, change the laundry, fold your t-shirts into perfect rectangles the way you like them. Our daughter texts us that she has a flat tire, and I tell her you’re sick, to call AAA when she gets out of class, that she is capable and competent and can figure it out.

You send me out for lunch, Wendy’s Chili, extra hot sauce. I make up a bed on the couch for you, and you eat while I do more laundry. Then I get an hour of blessed peace to write.

I pick up our two youngest from school, along with our nephew, buy them ice cream cones, and head home. They have fifteen minutes to eat before music lessons, and after I drop them off, I put car in my gas, clean out my car, and shop for groceries.

Home. Homework. Chores. Cuddles. More running next door to fetch dry laundry. You are watching election results and insist I sit down and take a break and watch. I do, but I’m also calling out for the kids, checking homework, ensuring the family machine is still at work.

I give you another dose of Nyquil. I remember to eat.

And as the day winds down, I realize how much you help, and how much it sucks when you’re sick. Not because I have to take care of you, which I love doing. Certainly because I hate that you don’t feel well. But it’s more than that. You are my partner in all things, and when you’re down, I realize how much you do for the family. And I miss your grabby hands and your leering eyes and your promises for the time when the kids are asleep. Those things keep me going.

I don’t ever want to be without you.

Playing Loaded Questions with Young Boys

Loaded Questions

Yesterday, I played an hour of Loaded Questions with Alex (9), Tyler (11), and Hannah (18) – it’s a great family game. Players take turns drawing a question. The other 3 players answer the question, and you have to guess who said which answer.
Question: “What do you have a natural talent for?”
Answer #1: Using ointment.
Answer #2: Coming up with creative answers with ointment in them.
Answer #3: Art.

Question: “What is the best thing to do first thing in the morning?”
Answer #1: Rub ointment on myself.
Answer #2: Sleep in.
Answer #3: Rub ointment on Alex’s rash.

Question: “What have you never done on the Internet?”
Answer #1: Gambled.
Answer #2: Bought ointment.
Answer #3: Sold Alex.


Easter Baskets for Grown-Ups

One of my favorite roles as wife and mom is that of gift-giver. I love choosing the perfect gift as a way to express how much I love and care (and pay attention to) my friends and family.

When I met my husband, he didn’t understand this part of me. He’d never had anyone care enough about him to choose gifts that he actually wanted, and he saw it as a waste of time. “You make lists?” he said. “Who cares what goes in an Easter basket? Throw in some jelly beans and a stuffed bear.”

The man had a lot to learn. But learn he did, and now he looks forward to Easter morning and his birthday with the glee of a five-year-old.

I recently went shopping with a friend for Easter basket stuffings. I saw the latest Mitch Albom book and threw it into my cart. “Mike loves his books,” I said. “It’s perfect for his Easter basket.”

She looked at me like I was crazy. “You give Mike an Easter basket?”

“I also give my parents, brother, and nephew a basket,” I said. “You don’t give your husband one?”

She shook her head. “Easter’s for the kids, isn’t it?”

Not in our house. Give me an excuse to give a gift, and I will. And why not? It’s fun and doesn’t have to cost a lot. I try to keep each basket to $20-$30. So what goes in the baskets for grown-ups?

1. Snacks. Better than candy and great for the men. Tailor it to their personal tastes. My husband loves sriracha and Tabasco, so anything I find with these flavors is fair game, even bottles of the stuff itself.
Sriracha Nuts


Sriracha chips


Tabasco Raspberry Chipotle


2. Lottery Tickets (Scratchers). I’m not usually a lottery player, but these are a lot of fun, and who knows? Maybe the recipient will strike it rich!

3. Fun in the Sun. Admittedly, we live in SoCal, and by Easter, we’ve already been using the pool for a month or two. But even if you’re knee-deep in snow, it has to melt sometime, right? Give beach towels, a pool raft, sunscreen, a visor or hat, or buy them a new cooler to act as the Easter “basket.”

Large Beach Blanket

Rolling Cooler4. Games. Here are some of our favorites.


Exploding Kittens

Forbidden Island

7 Wonders


5. Alcohol. Why not? An interesting bottle of wine, a unique liqueur. Ever tried one of these?

Viniq Shimmery Liqueur

Viniq Shimmering Liqueur


Thatcher’s Blood Orange

Thatcher's Blood Orange


Caravella Limoncello

Caravella Limoncella


Pama Pomegranate Liqueur

Pama PomegranateOR-G French Liqueur

OR-G French


TY KU Asian Citrus Liqueur

TY-KUStoli Sticki Honey

Stoli Sticki HoneySKYY Barcraft Margarita Lime

SKYY Marg Lime6. Make it a theme. All Tabasco items. Hundreds of guitar picks for the guitar player. Twenty different packs of gum for the gum chewer. You get the idea. 🙂

Now go forth and play Easter Bunny!





Thursday Rewind: Forgotten Songs from the 90s

Thursday Rewind

My kids are into music (3 sing, 2 play keys, 1 guitar, 1 dabbled in violin and trumpet), and I’m constantly looking for old music to expose them to. So this week, I thought back to my days in high school (graduated in ’93) and college, and came up with some of my favorites that they’d never heard before. Maybe these songs’ll bring back some memories for you, too.

Interstate Love Song, Stone Temple Pilots (Still one my faves. Makes me want to play the guitar.)

Anna Begins, Counting Crows (This entire album was great; Mr. Jones was the worst song on it. Great songwriting.)

Kiss Them For Me, Souxsie and the Banshees (Anyone else from LA grow up on KROQ?)


Missing, Everything But the Girl (The album version is stripped down from the radio version. Worth a listen.)

Insane in the Brain, Cypress Hill (Classic.)

Life is a Highway, Tom Cochrane (My kids thought this song was written for the Disney movie Cars.)

You, Candlebox (Something sexy about this song.)

Come Original, 311 (My dorm neighbors were from Omaha, NE, and they brought cassette tapes of early live 311 recordings for all of us to listen to. I was an easy convert. My husband calls me his Beautiful Disaster, another great 311 song.)

The Unforgiven, Metallica (I had a high school boyfriend who gave me The Black Album. I’m not a Metallica fan in general, but this album is in my top ten. Every song is awesome.)

Everlong, Foo Fighters (My favorite song of all time. Listen to the acoustic version. My kids have heard this a jillion times, but I had to put it on this list anyway.)

Wonderwall, Oasis (Another one that makes you want to play guitar.)

Closer, Nine Inch Nails (Saw him in Mesa, AZ, while in college at a small local venue. Vocals not so great live, but the music was thumping. Actually, this song is a little uncomfortable to listen to while packed in with a bunch of strangers. Not posting this video – adult only.)

Iris, Goo Goo Dolls (Just a beautiful song.)

Glycerine, Bush (The song writing…”I needed you more, you wanted us less”…wish I’d written that.)

1979, Smashing Pumpkins (Lots of great songs from them, but this is my fave.)

And yes, I could have added Nirvana and Pearl Jam and Busta Move and Wild Thing and Me So Horny…but I don’t think they’re forgotten. What are your favorite forgotten 90s songs?



Follow Your Dreams – Wednesday Blog Series: How I Got My Start

Follow Your Dreams Series


It sounds trite, I know. And we’ve heard it a thousand times: Follow Your Dreams! As if it were easy.

Every Wednesday, I’m going to blog about this topic, because it has changed my life. At 38, I decided to stop wishing and hoping, and I started doing. I’m finally living my dream of being an author.

But following the dream isn’t all umbrella drinks and sunshine days. Quite the opposite, in fact. And even though it stresses me out sometimes and keeps me ridiculously busy, I wouldn’t trade one minute of it. The innate joy it has brought me is immeasurable. So I’m gonna start this series off by telling you how I got my start.

I’ve always written, but the stories were just for me. I had a husband, four kids, a small business, I tutored in my spare time for extra money, and coached high school tennis – I had no time for a dream.

My grandfather was in a nursing home after a series of strokes that left him physically fine but mentally deteriorating. He couldn’t care for himself, mostly because he forgot to. And the strokes left him with dementia, which made him belligerent and difficult to communicate with. I visited him often, and I noticed the home wasn’t keeping up with his personal hygiene. The nurses said that he wouldn’t let them bathe him.

So Grandpa moved in with my parents, who had built their home with this in mind. He lasted two weeks there. He wouldn’t let my parents care for him, either.

That left me.

My wonderful husband agreed to let Grandpa move in. I became his full-time caregiver. And while that time was the most rewarding of my life, it was also the hardest. I spent most nights crying into my pillow. And I took up writing in earnest.

I needed a break. I needed an escape. So after I tucked Grandpa into bed and turned on his baby monitor, I set the receiver next to my laptop and I wrote. And wrote. Somewhere along the line, I got serious about it. I realized I could really do this.

Looking back, it’s funny, because my life was busier and more stressful than it had ever been. If someone had told me that I could fit my DREAM in there somewhere, I would have laughed in their face. But the reason I was able to fit it in was because I needed it. I needed something bright and positive, I needed a creative outlet, so I made it a priority. It was really that simple: if you want something badly enough, you will make it a priority.

Before I spent my nights writing, what did I do to fill my time? Television, Internet surfing, working, laundry, sleep. Basically, nothing important. Sure, I still do all those things, sometimes, but the dream was/is more important. It’s amazing how much crap you can fit into a day and not even realize how much time you’ve lost.

Grandpa has now passed away, and my kids are now much older and more self-sufficient, but I still write every evening after everyone’s in bed. That’s my writing time. And something major has to be going on for me to give it up and do something else.

Of course, there’s a lot more to it, and we’ll explore it in future posts. But I hope I’ve got you thinking: how much time do I spend on things that don’t really matter? No one’s gonna be talking at your funeral about how many episodes of The Walking Dead you managed to watch, or how many funny videos you shared on Facebook. Don’t you want them to talk instead about your indomitable spirit, your drive, your courage in the face of insurmountable obstacles?


What’s Taking So Long?

I’m with you. I’m taking quite a while to release the final book in my Nilaruna Cycles trilogy. So here’s an update on my progress.

First, I’ve had some personal setbacks. Odd to say this out loud, but my parents, after 42 years of marriage, are getting a divorce. And a year a half ago, we bought the house next door to them. I’ve had a hard time separating myself from the drama (physically, it’s almost impossible – they can find me!). But last week, I finally decided that I needed to put boundaries in place and get on with everything I’ve neglected.

Like writing.

The book is 95% done. I know how it’s supposed to end. But dang it, there are plot threads coming out my butt on this one, and I want to make absolutely certain that nothing’s left hanging. This is the final book in this series, and I won’t get another chance to make things right if I screw it up. So please bear with me. I’m aiming for June 1.

And if you haven’t read the first book in this series yet (THE GO-BETWEEN)…email me. I’ll send it to you free and get you hooked. 🙂

But that’s not the whole story. With the personal drama came a drop of inspiration, and I have been writing. I have a 12-book contemporary romance novella series simmering (same format as Calendar Girl, if you read the genre). The first two are written and edited. I plan to have six written before I start publishing one a month, starting this summer.

I know it seems like I’m all over the place, but all my books, no matter the genre, have a common thread – they are all character-driven love stories. My goal is for you to know the characters bone deep, to sympathize with them and identify with them, and to ultimately root for them.

To that end…I’m out. Gotta get back to the writing. 🙂

A Letter to Sports Authority CEO Michael Foss

Dear Mr. Foss,

I received your email today regarding Sports Authority’s bankruptcy. I don’t pretend to know anything about the inner workings of your business, but I am a regular customer. And you’ve frustrated me of late.

One of your stores is two miles from my house and resides in the same shopping center as Target, Dick’s, and REI. I am an Amazon Prime member. To get me in your store, you need to offer better value than all of those retailers. And 95% of the time, you don’t.

I was in the Tustin, CA, Sports Authority two weeks ago. My best friend’s son was going to Outdoor Science School for a week, and since two of my kids had already attended, she asked for my help gathering the necessities. Specifically, she needed to purchase long underwear, wool socks, and a waterproof jacket, and she needed the items in one day.

Amazon Prime was our first choice, but the items she wanted didn’t have same-day delivery.

We next went to Target. Winter items were already phased out.

We knew REI would have what we needed, but their prices for clothing are high. So we tried Sports Authority. Long underwear was over $20/piece for the size we needed, and the only pattern available in the right size was camouflage. No. Wool socks were $20. No. They had no appropriate jackets. So off we went to REI. Bingo.

Admittedly, your store is not catering to Outdoor Science School. But why shouldn’t it, since every 5th grader in our county attends? A smart store manager would keep a small display of items well stocked, and would know when local kids are attending. And your higher prices wouldn’t necessarily be an issue if a parent could get everything they needed in one place.

I said I am a regular customer, and this is true for one specific item: shoes. I have four kids, all active, and this is one item I cannot buy on Amazon Prime – I need to try shoes on. Inevitably, when we go in to buy shoes, we also look at other items…clothing, tennis accessories, backpacks. But the prices are outrageous. My kids go through 2 backpacks a year, and it doesn’t matter whether I spend $20 or $80 on that backpack – it fails. So why would I spend on the higher end at Sports Authority? And the clothing…it dominates the store, and the prices are high. Yes, there is a market for high-priced active wear, but it’s shrinking. Target now sells great activewear at low prices. And Target is down the street from you.

You are facing the same problem that Barnes & Nobles is facing – the only people who are going to buy items at Sports Authority are the ones who need something RIGHT NOW (and let’s face it, it’s way more satisfying to browse in B&N for an hour than it is at SA, and yet B&N is still going down). So here’s my advice, for what it’s worth:

Small, focused stores. Tennis Authority. Golf Authority. Heath & Wellness Authority. Offer services (same-day racket stringing, knowledgable staff that can recommend the proper equipment and great teaching pros). Devote the most floor space to items people want/need to buy in person: shoes, equipment (gotta hold that racket in your hand), reasonably priced add-ons that customers can’t resist (water bottles, grip tape), but don’t junk up the checkout with $2 candy bars.

Price match. Maybe you already do this, but if you do, your customers don’t know about it. Offer to get any item they want at the same price as Amazon, and make sure it’s delivered by the next day.

Partner with the local community (again, maybe you do this, but it’s not known). Sports are expensive, and schools struggle with sports programs. Partner with high school sports teams for bulk pricing on uniforms, shoes, and equipment. Send a sales rep to high school games/matches, and have them make the rounds to parents. “Hey, we’ve got a special on racket stringing. If you give me your racket today, I’ll deliver them to your coach tomorrow.” $5 more for a new grip, give a coupon for 10% off their next shoe purchase. Take the easy money. And once you develop the relationship, the parents will come to you (I would).

You have no leverage in this online, Amazon-dominated world. None. You need to do things differently and better, and the only way to do that is to up your service game. Do what Amazon cannot.

I hope you make it. Consumers are better off with lots of competitive retailers. Best of luck.

Andrea Ring

Former tennis coach and sports lover