As the host of the Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC) OC satellite, I’m excited to introduce our I’m Published! Challenge 2017! The idea is that participants will write, edit, and format a book, lay the foundation for the book’s future marketing, and publish it…all in only six months. In December of this year, all participants will have a published book!
I’ve created a Facebook group as the hub of our project: IWOSC OC I’m Published! Challenge 2017 FB Group. Anyone associated with IWOSC (friends, service providers) may join, even if they are not participating. I think there’s value in being able to follow the progress, observe the process, and perhaps be inspired to independently publish in the future.
I will provide a schedule, a task list, spreadsheets and how-to guides…everything you need to be able to publish a book on your own. Neither I nor IWOSC is acting as the publisher – you will be your own publisher. We are just providing the support and guidance. This is a great way to get your feet wet, gain some experience, and have a tangible product for your efforts as a result.
So please join our Facebook group and consider participating! There’s no cost to join except for your time and effort. We will be kicking off the challenge at our IWOSC OC monthly meeting on June 7th, but if you can’t attend the meeting, you can still participate. I will post meeting notes, all the files and schedules, and helpful links in our FB group. Everything you need will be there.
I look forward to seeing your dreams come true!